About Me

Nottingham, United Kingdom
Currently studying in the University of Nottingham, England.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

My first attempt at a Zoom Out to Space!

Well, you probably are expecting part 2 of "My Christmas Trip" but im feeling a little too lazy to do that right now. Its going to be a very long post, and I may just break it up!

Anyway, just writing to announce that Im back into playing around with After Effects, after quite some time, and Im very happy to show you my first attempt at a zoom out to space. It starts at the Petronas Twin Towers (rather unoriginal, I know).

Its kinda crappy, but its just something I did. Id like to thank Andrew Kramer for all his wonderful tutorials that help me to learn more about After Effects, and try out new things. Been spending a long time at your site, http://www.videocopilot.net/

Also Im spending more time, coming up with a HD version for the intro screen of the BlueMarble Productions sequence. And whilst it dosent appear to be faithful to the 'blue marble' theme, I think its coming along pretty good. But havent come up with the entire sequence. Lets just say is going to be BIG! LOL.

Yup! That means that BlueMarble Productions might be facing a comeback soon! (Infact Im planing on redesigning the website, but its pointless unless there are any new developments) Speaking of which, just want to say that Derek n I have been talking (more like thinking) for a while of seriously doing another movie, (and no this time I hope its not Star Wars, we want to try something else!) But for now, we dont realy have any ideas at all!

Well enough of my rambling, just watch the video!

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