About Me

Nottingham, United Kingdom
Currently studying in the University of Nottingham, England.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Goodbye Malaysia Hello UK

Well ok so im sure you people out there are just dying to know whats been up since I left for the UK right? Well i've been here for almost a week and i've FINALLY been able to log in to put a new post.

But First: To those of you who dont know I finally got my video camera! (YAY!!) i got it about a week before I left Malaysia. if your interested its the Sony Handycam HDR-SR5. I was supposed to blog about it but i never finished writing it lol.

Anyway. So far so good. People here are nice n helpful. The weather is ok. Im used to the cold. No problems there. Campus is pretty big so its annoying that I have to walk from one end to the other all the time. And NO. I dont have a british accent. yet. ;)

Ive taken a few pictures here n there. But ill upload them later once the internet in my hostel is up n running which should be tomorrow. Public transport is really great (but expensive). Actually EVERYTHING is expensive because of the 7 to 1 exchange rate. Things here are generally one-to-one currency wise so its quite nutcase for me. Imagine paying RM14+ for a return bus ticket!! (its actually £2.70 but i feel its high even in pounds)

I've yet to get a new phone or number. Since im getting a contract phone i can only get it once ive got a bank account. Anyway things close up pretty fast here. the library closes at 8.30pm!! the city centre aint dead at night but evrerywhere else is. Even in the city most shops/offices are closed. One thing la. Malaysia's banking system is certainly better and more efficient than in the UK. Yup! belive it its true. (or maybe its just HSBC UK) lol.

anyway cant think of stuff to write about. so thats all for now.


1 comment:

inthecentre0 said...

WHAT?? Library closes at 8.30pm???? that's like SO early!!! argh...at least here it closes at 11.00pm...the uni library, that is..but yeah, places here shut rather early too...owh yeah, one more thing...it's good to know you still have your LAs..haha..trully a Malaysian! LOL.